Tuesday 9 September 2008

The Start Of Something Special

I do memory training yeah. i tend to do more system based practice than actual remembering numbers and that practice. I want to find out the best technique for me and develope and practice that rather devote my time to a substandard type of system.

At first when I started memory I used the Dominic system, then that kind of developed into Andi Bell's person action object, then I tried to use Ben Pridmores advanced major system which failed miserably. So for the moment I'm just using person action object.

For long strings of digits I use person action object person object, which works quite well for me. I try and fit in everyone I have somekind of attachment to or who is really memorable, not some average nobody with average charisma like Zach Efron, Justin Timberlake, Daniel Radcliffe etc

The object is not really associated to the person of that number the object is based on the major system. The reason I chose this way is because I didn't want to be disloyal to the major system and also because it never changes unlike my characters I use it as a way of remembering long term info.

For example, 70 is CaSe, 28 is kNiFe, 99 is BaBy etc.

When committing stuff to perminant memory I use exclusively the major system.

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