Monday 15 September 2008

I Don't Like Mondays (Tell Me Why?)

I haven't really done much today, even though I woke up at 6:15. Went to work and did nothing for hours then just kinda reset the tables at the end of me shift. 5.87 times 4.5 hours = £25 something pounds, not too bad but I wanted to do something productive this afternoon. The only thing I did that was productive today was to talk to myself for about 15 minutes on the philosophy of memory.

I wanna learn German like proper style.

My iPod even though it's got over 10 000 tracks is kinda dull to me now. I concentrated on downloading videos of talks and lectures and audio books for science stuff rather than music. So like I lost my taste for music. Was so desperate for music I downloaded Alphabeat. I only liked one song, will get sick of that aswell soon. Everytime I reach a plateau of music I end up reverting to oldies esp Billy Joel. Or classical.

Hopefully tonight figure a mnemonic system for random words. I got a few ideas knocking around but hopefully cement them today in the medium of a narrow ruled note book. I prefer to handwrite my notes even though i never keep them, probably just feel more in tune with material that way. Also, in Mind Performance Hacks there's a Hack for pre-deleting cruft. Essentially you just write a termination date on everything new you do, computer files, written notes, etc. I find it a bit awkward at first cos none of my past notes have the deletion date on them, but hopefully soon everything will and my life will be clearer than the reading glasses of a person with detrimentally severe OCD.

Apologies for my comical jab at people with OCD. If you don't like my humour read this blog three times whilst clapping your hands and humming.

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