Thursday 2 October 2008

New Year For Nutrition

Started my second year of nutrition. I think I'm gonna like it if I stay focused and don't la de da around.

Memory is kind of on a backburner at the moment. I do little tidbits in my mind when I have no materials, because memory is like pure creativity I'd rather do it spontaneously when the mood strikes me than actuall plan a session.

Erm, what else? Not much, gonna see Steve Coogan in concert at the end of October. £70 pound quid of my hard earned uni grant, never mind it should be good. Ah-Haaaaa!

I watched Outpost last night, I thought it was kinda good concept but they could have done sooo much more with it. Also, watched Doomsday which is awesome, wish the lead was a man though, bit more believeable. The throw back to whitehorses and knights and castles is a bit jokes.

Next lecture is health communication and promotion, I hope it's based on psychology and consumer profiles type of thing. That way the way you would market a product to someone would be similar to the way you could teach them something specific..

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