Tuesday 14 October 2008

I'm 10.3% Fat.

Whilst going to Abbey to sort out my finances I wandered into Boots to check my body fat, BMI, weight and height. My BMI is 24.2 and my fat percentage is 10.3. So hopefully come the Welsh Memory Championship I'll be fit as a fiddle. The way those machines guesstomate body fat and fat free mss is a process called bioelectrical impedance.

Had a day off uni today, didn't do much, I started reading Watchmen the comic book, I can see how comic books can be addictive. Gonna read it some more now. Can't wait for the film, the way Abdul Jalal describes it it's gonna be the shit.

I wanna make some of my in-famous lamb keema tonight washed down with copious amounts of yogurt sauce. The ingredients to my yogurt sauce are: cumin seeds, coriander powder, garam masala, chilli powder, mint sause and a few drops of lemon. It's the only thing I can think of that nobody makes better than me. In my modest opinion.

Gonna go watch some Extras then Read some Watchmen, Which is in my opinion far better then the prequel the Watchtower.

Also, when I do my hybrid Dominic-Bell-Hoque system I like catergories, that way if I lose my place I can narrow it down during recall. Can't think of a memorable action for Alan Partridge as of yet...It'll come to me don't worry.


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