Friday, 5 December 2008

Is it still called stress if you refuse to deal with it?

New memory personal bests this week. A deck of cards in 63.48 seconds, and 176 cards in 10 minutes, wouldv'e been 196 cards if I didn't miss the 8 of spades. Darn.

Liking uni as always. Can feel the tightness in my back and chest from the gym. Hopefully do more amino acid composition this evening after sports assignment. Erm...nothing much else new, Money trouble hindering me but I'll survive, eventually.

Hoping to improve on all my scores since UK 2008 Open. Especially speed numbers and 10 minute cards, two of my best disciplines I screwed up. After Wales I hope to start a new system, 1000 characters, 100 actions, 1000 objects. The reason for the only 100 actions is to make the final scene only 8 digits instead of 9. When memoriseing a row of 40 it's easier to make everything fit and you don't back track over past digits. I have 10 scenes per house and loadsa houses so it's easier for me. Also, if you have too many actions they become indistinct, my actions are general and allow me flexibility. The binding part of the scene aloows me creativity and induces just the right amount of effort without straining my concentration or time. Got enought chracters, just need to organise them.

I'm off home to print of some binary and random digits. A few decks of cards and something to eat. Since my job means less to me now than when I started I think my only option is to not waste time. Memory, gym, nutrition is my life.

I say life, I mean my passions.

I say passions I mean devout hobbies.

Yeah, that'll do.